2009 --> 2010

2009 foi muita coisa. Grande ano para a música portuguesa, modesto para a música internacional mas crescentemente degradante nos seus principais Media, pareceu-me bom para o cinema, quente para a literatura, fraco para economia, triste para a política portuguesa e internacional (em particular para a italiana), e assustadora para o planeta. Aconteceu muita coisa. Parece que ainda ontem estava a pensar "Epá, este vai ser um ano do caraças!" como penso todos os anos, este com uma expectativa acrescida pelo seu valor numérico. Cedo se tornou um ano de solidão e reflexão e de pré-revolução.


2010 será muita coisa. O quê? Não faço ideia... Pensei que ainda estava mais longe, mas está a cerca de 2horas e 3 minutos. Expectativas? Muitas...

que posso eu dizer?
FELIZ 2010!
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Um dos melhores filmes de animação que já vi, e um dos que mais me emocionou, pelo menos nos últimos tempos. Adorei a música, composta por Michael Giachinno, e a história é bem profunda. Foi o primeiro filme de animação a abrir Cannes. Justifica-se, porque é sem dúvida um grande filme. Talvez não seja sequer o melhor filme de animação do ano (estou muito curioso em relação ao Mary and Max), mas duvido que algum filme me venha a emocionar tanto como este, talvez muito por causa do peso do passado nesta história.
Aqui posto a minha parte preferida do filme: parte da introdução.


A ouvir #14

atenção ao grande solo no final!!!

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Tuesday's alright

Carl Spackler and the Caddyshack Gopher are Alright...even if it's Kenny Loggins haunting their dreams. Now, off to some miniature golf with the munchkin. Enjoy your day.
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Merry Sunday: Back in the saddle

Hope everyone enjoyed their Merry Fishmas; I may still be in a food coma of sorts. Anyway, things are going to be light until the 2nd, but listen to me, you owe yourself as a late holiday present the exquisite privilege of going to see Aerosmith live...one of the best, high energy shows ever.
READ MORE » Merry Sunday: Back in the saddle


Sou muito céptico no que toca a filmes engrandecidos pela crítica, assim como grandes sucessos de bilheteira. É o caso deste filme. Esqueçam o 3D... O filme vale por si só!!! Uma grande história, que nos vários comentários que ouvi parece ser esquecida... Realizado e escrito por James Cameron, este senhor merece vénias. 5 anos de trabalho creio? Notam-se muito bem, até parecem poucos. Não exagerarei ao ponto de dizer que é o melhor filme dos últimos anos, nem me arriscarei sequer a dizer que é o melhor filme do ano, mas é sem dúvida um grande filme!

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E Feliz Natal para todos!!!!

READ MORE » E Feliz Natal para todos!!!!

noite fora #5

Passou muito tempo. De tudo. Não me lembro de ser. Não sei se sou. Lembro-me da vida há muito tempo. Lembro-me de pensar que belo ano que vai ser, ironicamente, num qualquer dia 1. Hoje, já vejo o final desse ano. Não foi belo, não foi nada. Cru, seco, banal. O ano passado era. Não sei o quê, mas era. E este ano fui sendo também. Cortei, com muito custo, muitas cordas que me uniam ao passado, ao que sou quando chove. Mas nunca cheguei a ser verdadeiramente.


Não gosto de datas. Por mim os dias poderiam ser todos iguais. Era da forma que não éramos presos em armadilhas do tempo. Já? A sério? O tempo nunca é na quantidade em que parece ser. De que me vale viver um ano, se todos os segundos são no fundo iguais? E o mais curioso é que me prendo a esta realidade que, sem lógica e sem sentido, me fascina. Talvez por isso mesmo: estou farto de planos, de estratégias, de linhas, ainda que as faça sempre e para tudo.

Está aí o Natal. É me indiferente. Perdi-lhe o gosto, como já perdi à Páscoa, ao Carnaval, à Passagem de Ano, etc... E o Natal é belo! Pelo menos escrito, filmado, cantado. Tão fantástico!!! Ao vivo não é tão fantástico... É muito mais banal, consumista, superficial, do que belo, profundo, forte. Talvez esteja doente, não sei... Talvez seja mais engraçado ver o mundo de uma forma mais deprimente. Ainda que corra o risco de me tornar depressivo, ou até mesmo deprimente.


Adoro esta música. Do início ao fim. Nunca pensei ser possível gostar tanto de uma música instrumental. Nunca pensei poder de gostar de PF sem o Roger. Nunca pensei que a definição da vida pudesse ser tão simples. Não a consigo explicar, mas quando ouço esta música sei perfeitamente qual é. Ela cheira a noite, tresanda... Cheira a homem. Cheira a desespero, que a par da culpa é talvez a maior das emoções humanas. Um homem desesperado corre. Nalgum sentido. Também eu corro, ouvindo esta música. E neste meu inferno depressivo, deprimente, ridiculamente enfatizado, ou mesmo puramente ridículo, meramente infantil, sem razão de ser, estúpido vá, vivo mais que muita boa gente. Podemos chamar a esta música uma eternidade. É uma eternidade, e eu estou fechado nela...


Não ligo muito a datas, mas ainda assim, desejo a todos UM FELIZ NATAL!!!!
READ MORE » noite fora #5

Wednesday bids you Happy Trails

Kiddo is in town this week. Probably not much going up until the 2nd, when all of my guests leave. Until then, happy trails, and stay warm.
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A Evolução estará eternamente presente em tudo. Também o Homem evoluiu, evolui e evoluirá. O Homem é um animal, e está por isso sujeito às mesmas leis que outro qualquer. Segundo Lamarck cada espécimen sofria alterações individuais de acordo com as suas necessidades, passando esses caracteres à sua descendência. Segundo ele, as espécies evoluíam no sentido da perfeição. Darwin, mais aceite que Lamarck, sugeriu que dentro de uma população de indivíduos da mesma espécie, todos tinham características diferentes, e por isso, só os melhor adaptados sobreviveriam, passando essas características à descendência. Darwin também fala algures da evolução como estrada para a perfeição.

Tal como o Homem, também a Sociedade evoluiu, evolui e evoluirá. Creio, no entanto, que a evolução a que esta está sujeita não tende para a perfeição, por isso das duas uma: ou a sociedade não se rege pelas mesmas leis que os animais, ou estas contém erros, e toda a evolução é muito mais aleatória do que parece ser. Não digo com isto que a evolução da sociedade é aleatória, porque a palavra não descreverá na perfeição aquilo que pretendo demonstrar... A sociedade está talvez com menos defeitos que há uns anos valentes atrás, mas está muito mais imperfeita como todo que é. Note-se que não falo de política, nem de causas maiores, mas de coisas ditas "menores" que enchem todos os dias e que com certeza têm uma influência enorme nas causas maiores.

"Vejam o que nos está a acontecer - esta especialização. A despersonalização está a tirar todo o significado humano à nossa vida quotidiana. Um homem costumava orgulhar-se da forma como conduzia. Agora um carro guia-se sozinho. Uma mãe costumava orgulhar-se dos seus bolos. Agora eles fazem-se sozinhos. Um rapaz costumava orgulhar-se das coisas que inventava para brincar. Agora está soterrado em brinquedos feitos em fábricas. É triste , não é?" dizia Tati (Post em O Homem Que Sabia Demasiado)

Só o facto de estar aqui a escrever já passa muito dessa imperfeição: a virtualização desta mensagem e a consequente banalização. Parece-me que as coisas começam a perder magia, valor. Parece-me que toda a evolução que a Sociedade sofreu nos deixou num sítio mais pobre, e sem graça: mais fácil de viver.
READ MORE » Evolução

Peço desculpa a todos os socialistas...

Mas o Sócrates mete-me nojo!!! O PS está na ruína! Desceu tão baixo! Está a tornar-se ridículo! Quase tanto como o Berlusconi...

Mais uma vez peço desculpa... Mas é a verdade.
READ MORE » Peço desculpa a todos os socialistas...

Tuesday wants to die, die my darling...

Not really; just I really wanted to play some Misfits. Out of town today, heading to KC, more tomorrow. Enjoy.
READ MORE » Tuesday wants to die, die my darling...

A ouvir #13

Para mim, a melhor música da década, do melhor álbum da década, com um dos melhores videoclipes da década. Até nem são os meus favoritos, mas tendo em conta tudo que os rodeia, parece-me que são mesmo o melhor trabalho da década.

Já agora aqui vai a minha música preferida do Demon Days:

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Yankee cities not to die in: New York

Earlier this month, I brought you the heart-warming story of world class assholes in the world class hellhole known as Philly. To summarize, a beloved community music teacher was left dying of a heart attack for over an hour in the waiting room of an ER. While he was waiting, some of Philly's finest robbed him of his watch...and no one stopped them.

To summarize: Philly is full of assholes.
No shit, this pic come via PhillyRealty.com

Today's tale is one full of that Christmas spirit, from the City that originally brought you self-absorbed humorless douchebags and an  exaggerated sense of their own importance. New York.

Fuck 'em...

Of the many cities on my shitlist (Philly, Chicago, Milwaukee, etc), New York is unique in that it also lands on the literal shitlist. Everything about this Yankee cesspool revolts me: its exaggerated importance, its attitude towards the rest of the state and nation, its insularity, Wall Street, fashionista douchebags, Seinfeld, the East River, pigeons, Manhattan, that lying ass Statue of Liberty, that paeon to cheap labor in Ellis Island, Rudy Guiliani, the fact that every writer for shitty television focuses on LA (or, more likely, NY), its residents, East Coast hip hop, that harsh Yankee accent, Good Morning America/CBS Morning/the Today Show, the phrase "youse guys", the damned Guido culture...and motherfuck Snoopy and the Macys Parade.

New York brought you Andrew "Dice" Clay...I rest my case

But, of the many, many reasons to bag on the "Big Apple", by far the worst aspect are the fucking assholes that live here. Simply stated, there are 10 million cocksuckers who think they are God's gift; they shit on everyone around them; are imperious asshats; they epitomize rudeness and callousness; they are callow and shallow; and, they have a diminished understanding about the worth of human life...Today's story is an exemplar of the New York mentality....

The only thing worth a shit to ever come out of New York...

A pregnant Brooklyn woman suffering a fatal seizure in a coffee shop in the shadow of FDNY Headquarters was ignored by two callous city medics who continued to buy their breakfast, eyewitnesses told The Post. "The EMTs just said we had to call 911. They got their bagels and left," said a disgusted worker.
People were calling out saying, 'She's turning blue! She's pregnant!' " said the witness.
But the EMTs appeared unfazed.
"I remember them saying they couldn't do anything because they were on their break," another worker said.

Fuck you, I'm on my coffee break...

Ironically, the EMS emergency dispatch center that fields 911 calls is located in the same building as Au Bon Pain -- just floors above where Rennix collapsed. And the FDNY headquarters is about 600 feet away within the same Metrotech complex. In fact, the coffee shop is regularly filled with FDNY and EMS personnel and top brass.

READ MORE » Yankee cities not to die in: New York

Bad, bad move by the KKK

When keeping it real goes wrong....

The KKK, founded by ex-Confederates (and sympathizers) in Ohio to stymie Reconstruction, was a scourge of free blacks, Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and any other group not fitting in with its White, Christian doctrine. Until the 30s, the Klan was a serious social force in areas with predominately white populations and those areas undergoing social upheaval (i.e., everywhere in America). Now, they are cartoonish parodies of a darker time in U.S. history.

They just don't know it yet.

Enter a group of knuckleheaded Klucksters down in Texas. Apparently, having run out of blacks, Catholics, Jews, Mexicans and others to harass, they heard about a group of pagans to harass. This particular group, however, were not the earth-muffin flakes of Gardnerian neo-Wicca, they were...ummm...Asatru.

For the uninitiated, Asatru is the Germanic and Norse worship of figures such as Odin. You know him as Corpse Ripper, Grim, Glad of War, and by a host of other peace-n-love names.

Seems there was a group of Ku Klux Klansmen in Texas who heard that some Pagans were holding a ritual out in the woods somewhere. Having run out of other minorities to harass, they decided to get backto their roots and practice some religious bigotry in addition to the usual racial intolerance and break up the party with a good ol' cross-burning.

So anyway, these fellows loaded up some lumber and a couple of cans of gasoline and went out hunting for these Pagans they'd heard about, hoping to catch them dancing naked around a fire or something.

Well, that is a fire...of sorts.

They found the spot where the other vehicles were parked and donned their hoods. Grabbing the lumber and gasoline, they assembled a cross and strode off into the woods, confident that they'd scare any remaining pants off the fluffybunny Pagans.

They were a little disconcerted to find themselves looking at the business end of at least 2 spears, a couple of swords, and several assorted knives. They'd crashed an Asatru blot and didn't realize that not all Pagans are pacifists.

Before the NAACP or B'Nai B'rith, shield walls and berzerkers enforced civil rights...

The punchline of the day, according to Becca, was this gem "From somewhere behind the hardware, a voice called out "If that cross goes up, you're getting nailed to it.."

Here's a hint; don't even think about harassing the heavily-armed descendents of a culture who exulted in warfare and considered the slaying of an enemy to be a religious act and cultural obligation.

READ MORE » Bad, bad move by the KKK

Sarah Palin Climate Change Translator....

You couldn't make this woman up in a satire...it wouldn't be realistic.

Of the idiocies of Sarah Palin, there is no end. Here is her latest Twitter feed: 100% incomprehensible

"Copenhgen=arrogance of man2think we can change nature's ways.MUST b good stewards of God's earth,but arrogant&naive2say man overpwers nature"

This is the shorthand Christian Dominionist belief that humans can't change climate. Then she continues....

"Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng"

Same schtick, only less comprehensible....

I know it's hard to believe, but this woman flunked out of college...

However, contrast her creepy Christian nihilism, and doctrines of destruction, with what she said on the campaign trail....

Here in Alaska, the only Arctic state in our union, of course, we see the effects of climate change more so than any other area with ice pack melting. Regardless though of the reason for climate change, whether it's entirely, wholly caused by man's activities or is part of the cyclical nature of our planet, the warming and the cooling trends, regardless of that, John McCain and I agree that we've got to do something about it and we have to make sure that we're doing all we can to cut down on pollution.

So, how do we put it all together? Is there a viable translation? What does Palin really stand for?


READ MORE » Sarah Palin Climate Change Translator....

The Wytches wish you a happy Solstice

Darkest day of the year, when the sun barely peeks out of the slate gray sky. The good new is, it can only get sunnier from here on out.
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Deep into the 12 days of Christmas...

it's the last day of Hannukah, and who the hell knows about Kwanzaa. In any event, we're in the stretch run. It just seems like yesterday since we were down with the Pumpkin King....

Halloween is in your heart.

Lyrics go now:
Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn´t you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It´s our town, everybody screm
In this town of Halloween
I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
I am the one hiding under yours stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
In this town, don´t we love it now?
Everybody´s waiting for the next surprise
Round that corner, man hiding in the trash cam
Something´s waiting no to pounce, and how you´ll...
Scream! This is Halloween
Red ´n´ black, slimy green
Aren´t you scared?
Well, that´s just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night
Everybody scream, everbody scream
In our town of Halloween!
I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace
I am the "who" when you call, "Who´s there?"
I am the wind blowing through your hair
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween!
Tender lumplings everywhere
Life´s no fun without a good scare
That´s our job, but we´re not mean
In our town of Halloween
In this town
Don´t we love it now?
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
And scream like a banshee
Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everyone scream
Wont´ ya please make way for a very special guy
Our man jack is King of the Pumpkin patch
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la....Guii!! 

READ MORE » Deep into the 12 days of Christmas...

El mejor de la historia

Hace más de seis meses titulaba una entrada de forma parecida. Entonces encorsetaba esas cinco palabras en unos signos de interrogación que ya han quedado obsoletos.

Entonces faltaban tres guindas, la española, la europea y la mundial. Ayer acabó de confirmarse.

El FC Barcelona del año 2009, el entrenado por Pep Guardiola, es el mejor equipo de la historia.

Y ya no se trata de mis evidentes filias azulgranas. Se trata de números, de hechos, de títulos... la única y auténtica verdad del fútbol.

Pero aderezado con lo bonito, lo onírico, lo soñado... un juego sublime y excelso... una continua apuesta por espectáculo y la plasticidad... una huída hacia adelante, y de que manera, de la ramplonería que campa por nuestros estadios... un compromiso en el que no vale ganar de cualquier manera.

Jamás vio el mundo un equipo como éste, y dudo mucho que volvamos a verlo, pues como dijo ayer el gran Pep, es casi imposible que se repita algo así.

Empapensé de todo lo que rodea a este equipo y así se van preparando para contarle a sus descendientes las excelencias de aquel mítico equipo que lo ganó todo con la ayuda de una pulga, dos bajitos, un tío elegante, un luchador, un tío grande, una gacela en la derecha, un león indomable en punta sustituído después por el más ágil entre los altos, dos muros oscuros, mucha garra, mucha calidad e infinita inteligencia. Ah, y un tal Pedro, ejemplo y punta de lanza de una cantera trabajada y de lo más prolífica...

Apréndan también la historia de Pedro para contarla cuando acaben con la primera.

Un Saludo
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A ouvir #12

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La Candelá de la O

El pasado jueves día 17, como es tradición, tuvo lugar la Candelá de la O, acto que sirve para prologar el día de la titular de mi hermandad de la calle Castilla, María Santísima de la O, expectación, esperanza...

El acto consiste en lo siguiente: El escuadrón de clarines y timbales de la Banda del SôL interpreta una diana floreada desde la torre de la Parroquia, posteriormente hay un pequeño espectáculo de fuegos artificiales y luminarias para proseguir con la llegada en ordinario del SôL, un pequeño concierto de marchas procesionales en la Iglesia y la marcha de la formación calle Castilla arriba...

Es un acto precioso que merece la pena contemplar y que nunca me he perdido desde que vivo en Sevilla.

Os dejo en esta dirección todas las piezas musicales que tocó la simpar Banda del SôL, desde las piezas de los clarines hasta el último ordinario.


Espero que lo disfruteis, y al que no la conozca, que se apunte esta fecha en el calendario.

Un Saludo
READ MORE » La Candelá de la O

As pessoas são falsas

Enganam os sorrisos as vozes, modificam as luzes... Só para não mostrar a sua real face. Não se querem perder na verdade de ninguém. E eu fraquejo por viver acelerado. E que digo eu calado? Nada... F***** que não sei o que dizer... São tão falsas as pessoas que tenho de ocultar a minha voz, que ainda ma levam... E daí? Eu também sou...
READ MORE » As pessoas são falsas

Saturday has a long day (and night) in store...

Pronounced Lynryd Skynyrd live in 1976 with "Saturday Night Special"...sure it's about a handgun, but I have Christmas guests coming on Tuesday, and I really need to clean the crib. Happy Saturday, see you tomorrow.
READ MORE » Saturday has a long day (and night) in store...

Your Country is NOT Fucked: New Zealand

If Italy is shaped like a boot, then New Zealand is a horse dong

Welcome to New Zealand, one of the more-recently populated countries on our tour, with the Polynesian Maori not settling in this paradise until around 800 BCE.  One thing to know about New Zealand right off the bat, being comprised of islands (and there are two major ones), each one has its own vibe. North NZ is the one with the majority of the cities and cosmopolitan environments: weathier, more populated, and has the capital of Auckland. The South Island is the more rugged of the two, less populated (even if it's bigger), and -by far- the Whitest of all New Zealand, with over 90% being cracker.

The New Zealand High Commission on Honkey Affairs required all South Island residents to place this sticker on their lapels...

But, no matter the island, New Zealand is renowned for its diverse and natural beauty. This is the nation where a thousand fantasy worlds have come to life on celluloid, including the LoTR trilogy, Bridge to Terabithia, Avatar, Last Samurai, The Narnia films, and Eagle vs. Shark. This is also borne out by the fact that 70% of the nation's $120bn economy is based on services, and a fully 19% are involved in tourism.

You could have stopped at Return of the Kings.

And that, of course, is one of the main problems with the New Zealand economy: it is heavily reliant on the dollars of foreigners. Manufacturing accounts for a scant 6% of the industry. There are plenty of mines in the country though, and, as you'd expect, mining employs 10% of the country and ore products count for a good bit of the Kiwis' exports.

New Zealand miner after a hard day in the shafts...

New Zealand truly is a paradise. Unlike its deadly neighbor, Australia --the place where everything will kill, ever-- New Zealand has virtually no dangerous wildlife. According to the country's tourism website:

There is no dangerous wildlife; no snakes, and only two poisonous spiders, the Katipo and the white-tailed spider. Bites are serious but rarely fatal.

In fact, my extensive research reveals only two major dangers in New Zealand.

1. Being overcome by the rapturous masculinity of the Haka



2. Balrogs

  If you're not dicking around in Moria, I think you'll be cool...

I sincerely want to hate New Zealand; I want to find one thing that makes New Zealand a shithole, but I just can't. How can you hate on a nation that is abidingly middle class, has reasonably decent relations with its indigenous inhabitants, is at peace with every fucking nation on earth, has a stable republican democracy, low crime, almost no violence associated with hard drug abuse (aside from meth), almost no violence period, is temperate and the people are nice and abiding? I just can't do it.

So, New Zealand, you're not fucked (which is a first), but that makes me hate you all the more.

This is what every person and critter thinks of you, New Zealand...

*Anyone who can think of reason to hate on New Zealand, shoot me an email...


READ MORE » Your Country is NOT Fucked: New Zealand

Wouldn't you trust them?

I'm supposing their state doesn't permit business names, eh?

From the Fail blog

READ MORE » Wouldn't you trust them?

Prohibir no es progresar

"Prohibir es progresar", eso dijo y se quedó tan pancha esta mañana en el Parlamento de Cataluña la promotora abolicionista de la fiesta en esta región tan singular.

A ella le siguió el tal Puigcercós hablando de que "nuestro país Cataluña debe progresar".

Pero los verdaderos matadores de la fiesta fueron el PSC y CIU, a los que se le subieron los huevos al corbatín con la salida del burel y no fueron capaces de movilizarse, plantarse en la contraquerencia y capear con una verónica la dictadura, la imposición y la censura, faltando así al respeto a miles de sus votantes en toda Cataluña, y en el caso socialista, en todo el país. Libertad de voto dieron, vamos, como si el matador da permiso a todos los aficionados a pegar unos lances al astado...

Ésta es la puta política. Ésta. A la que no le duelen prendas para posicionarse en contra de cualquier cosa que hace el de enfrente, por nimia o conveniente que sea, la que prohibe y cercena cada vez más las libertades de sus ciudadanos por sumarse a lo 'políticamente correcto' y por no tener la valentía suficiente para ser justo.

Acongojados, mojigatos y acojonados. Esos son los mierdas que nos representan, que por miedo al "qué diran", por pánico a ser tachados de españolistas, anticatalanes, derechones y demás estupideces no son capaces de posicionarse en la coherencia de las libertades individuales, no son capaces de decir que no a la mentira y a la demagogia antitaurina.

Es totalmente lícito que no gusten los toros, incluso se puede comprender que se quiera su desaparición, pero son inaceptables la cantidad de mentiras con las que se engaña a la ciudadanía, que los políticos conocen pero esconden según su conveniencia. Es inaceptable que se use como argumento que un centenar de toros salvarán la vida si no se celebran corridas en Barcelona, porque es una mentira y una falacia tremenda. Centenares de toros no tendrán la posibilidad de ganarse el indulto como aquel Idílico y morirán en el matadero, cercenando así además la procreación de más animales y, en definitiva, iniciando así la extinción del toro bravo, la raza animal más propia que tenemos.

Al cuento del españolismo, anticatalanismo, franquismo y demás estupideces del toreo sólo tengo que invitar a estos a que se acerquen al País Vasco y pregunten por el españolismo del toreo.

Y ahora, que asuman su papel de asesinos. Asesinos de la cultura más ancestral del sur de Europa, de Iberia y de Cataluña. Asesinos del animal, sí, vosotros, asesinos desde el origen y responsables primeros y últimos de la extinción del toro bravo.

¿Qué será lo próximo? ¿Saldrán asociaciones antifutboleras que con el argumento de que el fútbol incita a la violencia o de que hay personas que se hacen daño jugando pidan su prohibición? ¿Seguirán intentando convencer de que romper con el pasado y las tradiciones es progresar y ser moderno? ¿Cuánto de vida le quedan a la Semana Santa, a las ferias, al flamenco, a la música clásica y a todo lo que huela a tradición? Si ser moderno y progresar es prohibir que no me esperen.

Sólo nos queda esperar a que los mingafrías rectifiquen y cuando se empiece a debatir, allá por marzo, la definitiva prohibición de la fiesta en Cataluña, se defiendan las libertades de los ciudadanos. Y es que no se trata del toreo o no.

A mí me enseñaron que el ser humano es libre siempre que no abuse de la libertad de los demás. Eso en España hace años que se perdió.

Y es que, claro lo ha dicho el parlamentario de Ciutadans, para nada sospechoso de españolista, fascista y demás...

"No soy aficionado a los toros, pero sí a la libertad"

Déjennos ser libres, 'adalides' de la libertad y los derechos.

Un Saludo
READ MORE » Prohibir no es progresar

Y can't Friday Read like Tori

Tori Amos does not want you to see this...ever. Her god-awful, Jersey slut band "Y Cant Tori Read". Clever name in a way, but just terrible in all other respects: musically, artistically, aesthetically.
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Admit it, Canada, y'all are rednecks too...

Our friends in Manitoba have their 'Necks....

The special Eastern Canadian subtype known as the Newfie...

The scary-ass, methheads & roughnecks in Alberta (with Bonus Mullet!!!...

The lovely hick ladies of the Canadian Midwest (a/k/a Saskatchewan)...

The Yukon's version of Piggly Wiggly...

 The French-speaking cretins in Quebec...

The larval 'Necks of Ontario...

The shitkickers and douchewads in New Brunswick (with Bonus Mullet!!!)....

The gestational mouth-breathers of British Columbia (with double-bonus Baby Mullet!!!)...

So, see Canada...you're a lot more like us than you admit it: You've got roughly the same educational attainment, the same degree of heavily-armed wood-dwelling recluses, a shit-load of mullets, trashy women, toothless miscreants and country cookin'. This works out well for both of us.

When we come to annex your oil, gas, timber and Megan Fox, we'll fit right in and get along in one big happy redneck family....The way we always should have been.

Just like Tommy & Pam...only hotter...and with a bigger dick

READ MORE » Admit it, Canada, y'all are rednecks too...

take just a miserable second #14

A do Hendrix é o meu toque de telemóvel. A do Dylan é a minha preferida. Não arranjei melhor vídeo.
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sorriso mar frio

Foto de Hiroshi Sugimoto

Está frio. Como se isso me importasse! Sorrio, rio e engraço com o frio que abraçando me vai contando que já fui homem. Agora pó rio-me, como o rio que sai dos seus olhos, rumo a um mar desconhecido. Adoro esse rio, esse mar, sorrio. E o mar é ela, como majestade tempestuosa que põe na mão o coração, e sorri. Que sorriso esse! Até me faz tremer! Algures bem lá no fundo de mim. Ainda tremo, ainda que já quente, e ainda que não haja pedaço que tente, mais, ser frio. Tremerei de frio ou sorriso? Medo. Tremo de medo por perder o que não tenho, o que não me pertence. O mar longínquo parece cada vez mais belo, cada vez mais longínquo, cada vez mais acolhedor. E eu que tenho frio.
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La cuenta atrás: 100 días

Siempre que llega este día recuerdo mis conversaciones precuaresnavideñas con mi amigo José Ramón Suárez. Siempre llegábamos a una conclusión clara, desde que quedan cien días, la cuenta atrás hasta el Domingo de Ramos se pasa volando.

Hoy quedan cien, en vísperas del Nacimiento del Señor ya tenemos las miras puestas en el día más señalado del año, pues como ya he repetido una y otra vez, el año para nosotros se inicia cuando el Señor de la Sagrada Entrada en Jerusalem pisa nuestras calles.

Pues ya sabeis, en breve disfrutaremos de nazarenos, bandas, capataces, costaleros, acólitos, insignias, palios, misterios, crucificados...

Id preparándose, planchad costales, sacad las zapatillas, ultimad las túnicas de los nazarenos...

¡Ya vamos a estar en el lío!

Un Saludo

P.D: Foto de Juan José Leal.
READ MORE » La cuenta atrás: 100 días

Puppies & Tubes

That sounds like an helluva' indie movie....

This is one interesting tale and reaffirms what most dog-owners know, that Fido will go to extraordinary lengths to mooch. I didn't know, and really, we couldn't anticipate that they'd go this far to bum a meal. Apparently, in Moscow some innovative dogs have learned the subway routes, and have begun to take morning and evening commutes to their favorite haunts, and then returning home again in the evening. Of course, bumming a meal or two along the way:

This thing is always running late....

The reprinted Sun article follows*

STRAY dogs are commuting to and from a city centre on underground trains in search of food scraps.

The clever canines board the Tube each morning. After a hard day scavenging and begging on the streets, they hop back on the train and return to the suburbs where they spend the night.

Experts studying the dogs say they even work together to make sure they get off at the right stop - after learning to judge the length of time they need to spend on the train. The mutts choose the quietest carriages at the front and back of the train.

Wake me when we get to the Square...

Scientists believe the phenomenon began after the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s, and Russia's new capitalists moved industrial complexes from the city centre to the suburbs.

Dr Andrei Poiarkov, of the Moscow Ecology and Evolution Institute, said: "These complexes were used by homeless dogs as shelters, so the dogs had to move together with their houses. Because the best scavenging for food is in the city centre, the dogs had to learn how to travel on the subway - to get to the centre in the morning, then back home in the evening, just like people."

Dr Poiarkov told how the dogs like to play during their daily commute. He said: "They jump on the train seconds before the doors shut, risking their tails getting jammed. They do it for fun. And sometimes they fall asleep and get off at the wrong stop."

Let sleeping dogs lie...unless you want to feed them.

The dogs have learned to use traffic lights to cross the road safely, said Dr Poiarkov. And they use cunning tactics to obtain tasty morsels of shawarma, a kebab-like snack popular in Moscow.

They sneak up behind people eating shawarmas - then bark loudly to shock them into dropping their food. 

With children the dogs "play cute" by putting their heads on youngsters' knees and staring pleadingly into their eyes to win sympathy - and scraps.

Dr Poiarkov added: "Dogs are surprisingly good psychologists."

Top that, guinea pigs...


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If it happens after midnight, I guess she was asking for it...

 That apparently is the logic being employed by Indian MP, Shantaram Naik.

Mr. Naik probably really gets off on the hot, consensual action in "The Accused".

Naik is from the now-infamous Goa region of India, where the international case of 15 year old Scarlett Keeling has put the city on the map. Keeling was an attractive 15 year old Brit touring the area. She was drugged, abducted and raped by a local bartender and one other man, with her body later being found in the river. Even then, it took the Indian government a disgracefully long time to correct the autopsy to indicate that she had died of unnatural causes rather than drowning. Goa is a well-known font of sexual assaults and other tourist attacks, so much so that some governments are warning their citizens to steer clear.

Scarlett Keeling, in happier times.

Naik, responding to the Russian government's concerns that its citizens might not be safe in Goa, came up with the stupefying logic that sexual assaults occuring after midnight are not rape, hell, aren't even a crime.

"An alleged rape of a lady who moves with strangers for days together even beyond middle of the night is to be treated on different footings," said Mr Naik, as opposition MPs shouted their disapproval.

Some things you can't make up...this is one of them.

That's one solution, Mr. Naik...

READ MORE » If it happens after midnight, I guess she was asking for it...

Thursday is glad it's this lifetime...

Brilliant band. Brilliant song.
READ MORE » Thursday is glad it's this lifetime...

Cruzcampo es Andalucía

Precioso el anuncio que ha hecho Cruzcampo sobre Andalucía, y es que ha debido ser fácil, ya que Cruzcampo es Andalucía, una de las señas de identidad de esta tierra...

No hay nada mejor.

Un Saludo
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The Greatest Motion To Continue....or not.

Click for fullsize

 Seriously, read this...

An attorney really put his name to this.

Even as a strident Alabama alum, the only thing I can think is...BWAHAHAHAAHAHAA

On a more somber note, I am stunned that someone put their name to it…this is the kind of shit you say to a judge in a hurriedly-convened scheduling conference, not put that crap in the record. If the plaintiff, down the road, wants to complain about the delay causing prejudice etc then I don’t see how an appellate court couldn’t entertain that argument and the abuse of discretion to permit the continuance.

Sorry, but I think it’s tacky, unprofessional as all hell, and potentially compromises his client. Even if it's for a damned good cause.


READ MORE » The Greatest Motion To Continue....or not.