Admit it, Canada, y'all are rednecks too...

Our friends in Manitoba have their 'Necks....

The special Eastern Canadian subtype known as the Newfie...

The scary-ass, methheads & roughnecks in Alberta (with Bonus Mullet!!!...

The lovely hick ladies of the Canadian Midwest (a/k/a Saskatchewan)...

The Yukon's version of Piggly Wiggly...

 The French-speaking cretins in Quebec...

The larval 'Necks of Ontario...

The shitkickers and douchewads in New Brunswick (with Bonus Mullet!!!)....

The gestational mouth-breathers of British Columbia (with double-bonus Baby Mullet!!!)...

So, see're a lot more like us than you admit it: You've got roughly the same educational attainment, the same degree of heavily-armed wood-dwelling recluses, a shit-load of mullets, trashy women, toothless miscreants and country cookin'. This works out well for both of us.

When we come to annex your oil, gas, timber and Megan Fox, we'll fit right in and get along in one big happy redneck family....The way we always should have been.

Just like Tommy & Pam...only hotter...and with a bigger dick



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