Sarah Palin Climate Change Translator....

You couldn't make this woman up in a wouldn't be realistic.

Of the idiocies of Sarah Palin, there is no end. Here is her latest Twitter feed: 100% incomprehensible

"Copenhgen=arrogance of man2think we can change nature's ways.MUST b good stewards of God's earth,but arrogant&naive2say man overpwers nature"

This is the shorthand Christian Dominionist belief that humans can't change climate. Then she continues....

"Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng"

Same schtick, only less comprehensible....

I know it's hard to believe, but this woman flunked out of college...

However, contrast her creepy Christian nihilism, and doctrines of destruction, with what she said on the campaign trail....

Here in Alaska, the only Arctic state in our union, of course, we see the effects of climate change more so than any other area with ice pack melting. Regardless though of the reason for climate change, whether it's entirely, wholly caused by man's activities or is part of the cyclical nature of our planet, the warming and the cooling trends, regardless of that, John McCain and I agree that we've got to do something about it and we have to make sure that we're doing all we can to cut down on pollution.

So, how do we put it all together? Is there a viable translation? What does Palin really stand for?



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