Tomorrow, the right-wing led government will be spreading more lies about the economic future of our country!
You must not allow them to take reckless gambles with the future of our great nation. Only I, your Supreme Leader, have the policies to ensure we return to the halcyon days we enjoyed under Comrade Blair.
The way out of recession is to spend money to create jobs, not to cut spending and jobs.
I will raise billions of pounds and create hundreds of thousands of jobs for our downtrodden workers. I will cut taxes at a stroke, freeing the working classes from oppression.
I will increase house building for the less well off by 25,000 homes a year, abolish VAT on petrol, and restore funding to our embattled local authorities.
Comrade Balls has shown me how easily we can afford to do this. Of course, I cannot reveal our detailed policies at this stage in case this wicked government steals our ideas and presents them as their own. You know that this has happened in the past and we must not allow it to happen again!
Keep the faith, comrades, and the future will be fair for all!
Your Supreme Leader
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