There has been a big who-ha in the States over the plans to build the Mohammed Attah Memorial Mosque on the site of the World Trade Centre in New York.
Apparently O'Bummer supports the plans, which only goes to show just how in touch he is with the people of America.
However, our reporter has learnt of similar schemes for Mosques in this country.
Plans are afoot for the building of the Hasib Hussain Islamic Cultural Centre in Tavistock Square, London. Mayor, Boris Johnson, said "The building of this cultural centre will help to heal the wounds between the Christian and Islamic communities following the events of 7th July."
Also in the pipeline north of the border is the building of the Al Megrahi Mosque in Lockerbie to be funded by donations from the Libyan government. The Libyan ambassador commented "We hope this will demonstrate to the Scottish people that we respect them deeply and are very grateful to them for the way they treated Mr Megrahi after he was found irrefutably but falsely guilty of the bombing of PanAm flight 103."
This spirit of co-operation and understanding between the two religions comes as construction starts on the new Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Crusades in Mecca.
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