Frying tonight...

Take a good look at picture on the left.

It's an electrified third rail on the railway line. It's dangerous. It will kill you if you touch it.

And yet I've just been listening to some poor sod on the breakfast news bleating on about losing their daughter when she touched the third rail taking a short cut home.

This incidentally was not some small kid, but an adolescent teenager.

The mother apparently blames PS2 games where you get up again when you're killed for distorting kids' sense of real danger. She blames lack of authority for kids playing on railway lines. She blames lack of signage.

I am sorry for her loss, but she seems to be blaming everyone but herself. It's tragic, but at the end of the day, you have to take some responsibility for your kids upbringing yourself as well.

Still, look on the bright side. You can always sue Railtrack.


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