An exciting story of political intrigue and infighting in the race to become the party's new leader!
Starring :
Ed "iTalk" Balls as Mr Drivel, a man battling with a terrible speech impediment that has him talking complete nonsense whenever he opens his mouth...
David "don't call me me Dave" Milliband, the man who wants to take us all back to the bad old days, but little do they realise that meek, mild mannered David is, in fact, that crime busting superhero Bananaman!
"Mr Ed" Milliband - Hear him play the family man card as he bangs on about his infertility problems. Follow his anquish as he tries to adopt a child to raise as the next generation leader. Don't miss his fantastic imitation of a talking horse...
Andy "Heads Down" Burnham as the ambitious young pretender who tries to sneak in the back door while no-one is looking. Watch him as he swans about in his swanky refurbished London pad...
Diane "Backbird" Abbott, the lefty with principals who sends her kid to the very private school she says she wants to abolish. A woman on a quest to save the world from policy wonks and think tanks!
Don't miss this thrilling spectacle!
(On the other hand, do give it a miss. It's just more of the same old bullshit)
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