What's all this bloudy nonsense about Capital Gains Tax reform?
I'm an ex-accountant (is there such a thing?) and I have a long memory.
Before the 13 years of LieBore misrule, it was nice and easy.
You calculate your chargeable gain after taking off all your allowances and reliefs, add it to your taxable income and then work out the tax as if it was all income tax.
It's known as "top slicing". So if your top tax rate is 40%, that's the rate you pay. If you are a basic rate taxpayer and the gains tip you into the 40% band, you pay part at basic and part at higher rate. Just like you do with income tax.
It isn't difficult. It's how we used to do it. It's fair and proportionate.
So if a divvy like me can work this out, why can't George bloudy Osbourne??
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