10 things you didn't know about a vuvuzela

    To celebrate the impending return of our great football team after we lose this afternoon's match, here's my list of interesting facts about the vuvuzela :
  1. It's exactly 1 metre long (about 3'3")
  2. It comes in two different lengths
  3. The shorter horn is 58cm long and is tuned to B flat
  4. It's totally silent - you use a brass instrument technique of blowing through compressed lips to create a buzz
  5. It was discovered by accident by a bloke blowing a bicycle horn with the rubber bulb removed
  6. The first vuvuzela was made of aluminium but was banned from matches as it was considered a dangerous weapon!
  7. The sound level of the instrument has been measured at 127 decibels
  8. Its also called a "lepatata" (its Tswana name)
  9. They have been associated with permanent noise-induced hearing loss
  10. They spread colds and flu viruses on a greater scale than coughing or shouting

    As I live near my local football ground and parking is a nightmare on match days (despite the fact the there are no parking notices in our road), so if they drive away supporters from outside my house then I WANT ONE
+ + + + LATE NEWS + + + +
They've been banned at Wimbledon! (Which is a shame as they would have drowned out the grunting!)


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