Sin is good for you...

These fraulein could have told you that...
BTW: While Der Schatten approves of both breasts and German beers, Spaten is just nasty...Of course, I've never had it in Germany, where I imagine it is significantly better than the piss we get in the States.

For those worried about their mental health and capacity through our lives and into the sunset years, there is especially good news: Alzheimer's can probably be staved off with the help of some items at your local Kroger's. It is doubly good news if you look at a recent Spanish study into the cognitive effects of alcoho:

"Our results suggest a protective effect of alcohol consumption, mostly in non-smokers, and the need to consider interactions between tobacco and alcohol consumption, as well as interactions with gender, when assessing the effects of smoking and/or drinking on the risk of Alzheimer's disease," the study's lead author, Ana M. Garcia, from the University of Valencia's department of preventive medicine and public health, said in a news release.

 Sod off, I'm protectin' me gob...

There is, however, a downside to this research. It seems that the protective powers are especially pronounced among non-smokers. This seems to be completely at odds with a bevy of reports indicating that nicotine benefits Alzheimer's patients, delays onset of the disease, and may actually provide protection against the dementia. So, while beer helps and a smoke helps, a beer and a smoke doesn't help...

Which is a pity really, since a smoke buddies up with a pint as natural as potatoes form a symbiosis with steak. But, like most things in life, it seems you're going to have to forgo one or the other.

Pictured: Not protecting oneself from Alzheimer's, but, greatly enhancing the chances of getting laid...Your call.



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