The most awesome, Kegel-tastic Cougar ever...

You'll shit when you see it...

Meet 42 year-old Russian housewife and mother, Tatiana Kozhevnikova. Like many women in their 30s and 40s, especially ones that have given birth, Tatiana was bit worried about the --ummm-- tightness and elasticity of her intimate parts. Tatiana, however, said to hell with Kegels, and picked up some super-Kegel/Yoga/Taoist exercise regimen. As a result, she now has the strongest vagina in the world. 

Yes, those are freakin barbells hanging out of her naughty bits...

How strong is this vagina you ask? Well, after years of training, Tatiana's vaginal walls can lift/suspend a mind-blowing 31 pounds...And, even more oddly, Guinness crowned her with a World Record for this feat. Naturally, she has taken this odd foray into 'snapper' extraordinary physical skill and is capitalizing on it...

God bless capitalism, eh Komrade?

Kozheznikova has crafted a workout regiment to tone the core, buttocks, thighs, pelvic floor, and genital walls to improve tightness and give women all over the planet virgin-tight, She-Hulk vaginas. Called, unsurprisingly Intimate Fitness, this is a workout plan that every man in the world can wholly and fully endorse. Hats off Tatiana. Hats off...

Mr. Kozhevnikova: Luckiest man in the world. Here's his wife (tastefully and SFW) setting the world record for super vagina...



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