Don't get me wrong - I probably want Gordon Brown out more than just about any other person on this planet.
Unfortunately, I don't get a vote!
"Rubbish!" I hear you all cry. "Of course you get a vote just like everyone else on the electoral roll." Not so. Let me explain this to you :
I live in a Tory safe seat. Before I moved here three years ago, I lived in an even safer Tory safe seat. So fair enough - I got what I voted for; a Tory MP.
"But I thought you said you didn't get a vote?"
That's right. I don't. The voting system in this country is so shit that votes like mine don't count. I'm going to get a Tory MP unless about ten thousand of us get arsey and vote Liberal which, frankly, isn't going to happen.
The future government is going to be decided in a small number of marginal seats. Not in my seat. That's why so far not a single election leaflet has passed through my letterbox. Not a single canvasser has knocked on my door and asked for my vote. I am treated with complete contempt. I do not count.
So I find myself on the horns of a dilema : Do I vote Conservative because I think they should form the next government or do I vote Liberal because they will change the voting system so that next time my vote does actually count?
And does it matter anyway because this is a safe seat?
HELP! Please tell me what you think I should do?
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