Fool Again

Was estatic when a book caught my eye today and realised that the author was an old friend whom I had not kept in touch with for a long time...

I hesitated and pondered... and hesitated again, wonderin whether I should drop him an email, hoping to rekindle that lost spark.

And just after I clicked the 'send' button, while smiling to myself for composing a beautifully short and sweet email, it was then I read his introduction page and learnt that the man had gotten married in that span of 5 years we had lost touch.

I could feel that sudden rush of blood and felt a little giddy... and consoled myself thinking, ' Nevermind, it doesnt hurt to flirt a lil, right?' *sobs*

But deep inside right now... all I can hear myself say is...'Stupid.. stupid.. stupid!!! Shouldn't have written that email.'


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