Building Schools for the Future (BSF)

Much has been said recently about the BSF program introduced by Labour. Well, they got the first two letters right anyway...

The teaching unions have been marching in London about the cancellation of the programme to rebuild deteriorating schools and to build new ones. Yet another NIMBY protest about cuts.

So as we are talking about cuts, let's cut right through the bullshit :

Exactly how many school building projects have been cancelled by the new government? Exactly how many refurbishment projects have been cancelled? Well, in both cases the answer is exactly NONE!

These projects have been POSTPONED - note POSTPONED not CANCELLED - until the money is available and the contracts have been examined to ensure that the contractors have not been ripping us off. When we have done this and the money is available, the projects will go ahead. Pardon me for being naive, but I always thought you could not spend money you do not have - something that our financial and economic genius Gordon Brown seemed unable to comprehend!

And while the teachers are holding their NIMBY protests in London, let's examine the morals of a few of them. Did you know, for example, that many women teachers - a friend of mine included - make a point of returning from maternity leave two weeks before the end of term so that they qualify to be paid during the school holidays?

Fucking hypocrites...


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