Concierto de la Soledad de la Algaba en la Macarena

En el incomparable marco de la Basílica de la Macarena, tuvo lugar ayer un concierto de marchas procesionales a cargo de la Banda de Música de la Soledad de La Algaba. Se trata de la banda que tiene el honor de acompañar a María Santísima de la Paz por las calles de Ayamonte en la actualidad.

En el concierto, de cuidado y exquisito repertorio, sonaron las siguientes marchas: Procesión de Semana Santa en Sevilla, Sevilla Cofradiera, Aquella Virgen, Valle de Sevilla, La Madrugá, Cristo de la Veracruz, Virgen de la O, Pasa la Virgen Macarena, Macarena de Cebrián, Esperanza Macarena, Coronación de la Macarena y la repetición de Cristo de la Veracruz.

Desde esta dirección lo podeis descargar:

Espero que disfruteis de la calidad de esta buena banda.

Un Saludo
READ MORE » Concierto de la Soledad de la Algaba en la Macarena

take just a miserable second #17

Um minuto é muito tempo. E desperdiçamos tantos... Ou será que não?
READ MORE » take just a miserable second #17

Should have listened to me...

Yesterday, when I was ranting about the American Taliban's interference into even the most banal of questions growing humans have about themselves, I noted that rather than banning these materials, we should have open lines of communication about sexuality and adolescence. It's called a teaching moment.

What happens when you don't listen? Worse than you could possibly imagine...

The stork will be along shortly.
H/T to Ben for this one via email.

READ MORE » Should have listened to me...

Sunday's Cause of Death? Boredom

Need to wake up...Perhaps, thinking that I were at Wacken or Monterrey would help?

READ MORE » Sunday's Cause of Death? Boredom

American Taliban strikes again.

Anne Frank, not just an author, a growing girl with natural concerns about her body.

Anne Frank, as you are aware, documented the waning moments of her life in her diary. There is much stuff in there that is painful to read: from the loss of her home, her family, uncertainties over the war, the nature of God, and the meaning of life. Also, in the expanded version produced in 1995, Anne was -like most developing adolescents- concerned with the changes her body was going through. There is one passage, in particular, that has the Puritans up in arms:

There are little folds of skin all over the place, you can hardly find it. The little hole underneath is so terribly small that I simply can't imagine how a man can get in there, let alone how a whole baby can get out!

Wow, pretty graphic stuff huh. you'd think that this would be a teaching moment for kids reading this book; an opportunity to discuss adolescence, and growth, and change. But, that would be too even-handed. The better result, according to the Culpepper (Va.) School district is as predictable as it is pathetic. Just ban the whole damned thing

Make it a double...

This Superintendent, who apparently is unaware of the definition of irony, had this to say 
“I’m happy when parents get involved with these things because it lets me know that they are really looking and have their kids’ best interest (in mind). And that’s where good parenting and good teaching comes in.”
And, that was really my point above. Good parenting, and good teaching, are holistic. Children are not well-served by lying to them, banning materials from them, and -for Chrissakes- denying them one of the fundamental lessons they need to hear, namely that they are not alone...

Hell, we knew this...even back in 1957. 

Dad is simultaneously hilarious and creepy.
And, ladies, don't forget to do your hair and nails and wear your prettiest dress, but -for the love of god- No Square-Dancing!!

READ MORE » American Taliban strikes again.

Posters on the wall...

NB: This post is best viewed while listening to this....


Let's see, I've given you memories of school lunches, and shred musicians,  and even my childhood fantasies (here and here); so I think it's time to talk about posters. Like most kids, growing up I had a lot, a helluva' lot of posters on the wall. I'm not sure what got me thinking about these, but I'll show you mine if you show me yours:

Remember this? Those with a musical memory extending before 1992, knows that these guys at one point did not suck. I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again: I miss Cliff.


Pretty much the sweetest thing that Nintendo ever put out back in the day: certainly on par with Metroid, Kid Icarus and Zelda.

 Mock Lita Ford you want to...That is a sweet guitar; and she is an awesome musician. Besides, my love of big hair is well-documented at this point.

Old school Christina Applegate. This was my favorite one ever. And count the win here: eagle, big hair, tight leather, sideboob, snakes, torn jeans, JFL. I loved this, and it fueled my adolescent mind at all hours of the day. Come to think of it, I love it even more in retrospect!

Probably my favorite album for about 3 years...Sigh, too bad the Cavalera brothers split apart. In their defense, Soulfly is pretty sweet though.


The first time I heard this album, with stereo fully cranked, it was terrifying. Sheer absolute death metal, and one of the heaviest albums, start to finish, ever.

But THIS, this was my favorite band. Kinda heavy, kinda' goofy, comic books and Stephen King out yang, and proudest bearers of the the "thrash" label...between the billion posters, equally numerous t-shirts and all the CDs and concert releases, I kept these guys afloat in the Alabama demographic. But this was my favorite Anthrax album and poster.

I loved the Batman; still do. No superpowers, just superhuman grudge-holding; that's something we can all get behind. And, Frank Miller was, and remains, my god.

So, there you have it; these are the big ones I remember best. The 80s and 90s really did rock the hell out of the aughts, that's for damned sure. Excuse me now, while I go crank up "I am the law" and make my neighbors happy with me.



READ MORE » Posters on the wall...

Saturday has a treat for you...

This is awesome: a Generation X live performance of "Kiss Me Deadly" and some interviews interwoven throughout. 
You might recognize Billy Idol up there. While Gen X is generally considered part of the London punk scene, I've always thought of them more as part of the larger proto-punk movement (Stooges, MC5, Buzzcocks, etc.). Anyway, this is a hell of a ride, and the sound and vid quality is excellent as well.

READ MORE » Saturday has a treat for you...

A ouvir #21

o pai é um dos meus artistas favoritos.
READ MORE » A ouvir #21

Final shilling for the week.

So, Hear the World, now has a Twitter feed and a Facebook page....And, no, I'm not whoring. I just appreciate the work, and the ear, required for such a monumental undertaking. And you should too...

Looks stout and fascistic... what could go wrong?
So, ummm, yea. What are you waiting for?

Also, for those interested in purchasing yesterday's Dža ili Bu album, HERE's how.

READ MORE » Final shilling for the week.

Warning: Viewing this may impregnate you from afar...

Despite the post earlier this week entitled, "Sublime", I think it's safe to say, that there may actually be no greater awesome in the universe than this....I love the internet.

Yes, that is John-freakin-Waters autographing a tattooed stripper's ample rumpus.
 This picture has the power to impregnate Bearodactyls.

READ MORE » Warning: Viewing this may impregnate you from afar...

TGIF: Time for a classic.

This song emphatically neither requires, nor needs A) an introduction, or B) friggin' orchestral parts. I miss Cliff.

READ MORE » TGIF: Time for a classic.


Someone once told me that you have to choose
What you win or lose
You can’t have everything

Don’t you take chances
You might feel the pain
Don’t you love in vain
'Cause love won’t set you free

I can’t stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy
But safe as could be

So what if it hurts me?
So what it I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge,
My feet run out of ground

I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
I'm just trying to be happy
I just wanna be happy, yeah

Holding on tightly
Just can’t let go
Just trying to play my role
Slowly disappear

But all these days
They feel like they’re the same
Just different faces
Different place
Get me out of here
I can’t stand by the side
Ooh, no
And watch this life pass me by
Pass me by

So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge?
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
I’m just trying to be happy
Oh, happy
Oh So when it turns that I can see???
This rope??
Don’t say anything
So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge?
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
I just wanna be happy

I just wanna be
Oh I just wanna be... Happy.

[Leona Lewis]

Kate Spade Sale

All my gerlfriends are going for the sale.
All my gerlfriends are gonna own a 'Kate Spade'.

I've just lost all desire of owning one.

READ MORE » Kate Spade Sale

This is so gay, but I love it....

Jesus-y, yes. But beautiful it remains...
And, FWIW: This is my personal motto. You get one, and but one, spin on this world. Enjoy. Look forward when you can, enjoy the present as it comes, and relish the past as it arises...

READ MORE » This is so gay, but I love it....

You people don't know what you're missing....

Dža ili Bu, a Serbian punk nightmare straight out of Euro-/Hellcat psychobilly hell, proudly gives you this track "Opasne Igre". This comes via Nico's wonderful international music blog, "Hear the World". 

Go now, peasants, or do I have to get the strappado and flagrum out again?






READ MORE » You people don't know what you're missing....

Admiral Akbar knows it's a trap...

And, so should should you, dumbass...

That's a fully operational Death Star....

To be fair, she set him up; but, to be equally fair, he is a real, real big ole' dumbass. 

Gotta love this dumbassery. Nevertheless, with the level of "trust", these two had, this wasn't going anywhere. But, if it did, we know where it would have headed: to the wonderful world of alimony, child support, and Billy drinking, sobbing, quietly in his mom's basement.

READ MORE » Admiral Akbar knows it's a trap...

State of Our Disunion.

From, an excellent liberal/left cartoon, comes the following posted last night in anticipation of President Obama's State of the Union address...

Vince Offer just might take you up on that...

You can look at it several ways. 1. probably harsh words for the new Corporate-acracy we are left with the wake of last week's SCOTUS ruling (and he did); 2. Promises for what we, as a people need (health care, jobs, etc)...and he did ; 3. or, if you're more cynical, just more old hope-peddling...and, yes, the Republicans went there, as well. BUT....

Trying here, guys...

No matter what though, and despite my desire to turn my back on all things politic, I just can't give up after a mere year. The problem here, people, is not the agenda; it's fucking Congress (especially the Senate) who have stymied the entire legislative agenda,  effectuated the most tremendous bait-n-switch on the American people I've ever seen in my lifetime...

Uh, yeah. Fuck these guys.

 Which brings me to my last point. No matter how dark things occasionally seem, you don't have to go very far back in time to realize that it is the dread of dread, the fear of fear, and the uncertainty which sew rancor and which will undo us. To become disaffected may be the goal of the military-police-corporate elite, but it's not American. And quitting is not, nor should be, in our collective makeup.

Confidence thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live...And, when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

Thanks FDR, we needed those words...and people think Obama is glib with a phrase?

READ MORE » State of Our Disunion.

Thursday's sending a blessing...

The Netherland's "Nightwish", with -the now-departed, but no less god-like Tarja on vocals. This is one of the finest goth metal bands out there; and, as you can tell, very much served as the model for Evanescence. Unlike the latter, however, the former are A) better musicians, B) devoid of religious trappings, and C) don't suck.

READ MORE » Thursday's sending a blessing...

NOT so clever dog....

This morning, I showed you the clever, clever dog. But, as you and I all know, there are some of our best friends who aren't so bright. Poor ole Lucky (best misnomer, evah1!1) is one such dummy....


READ MORE » NOT so clever dog....

O Sacana do Duende

Nem sei se vivo. Talvez não eu, talvez um pequeno duende dentro de mim. Talvez eu não pessoa, só uma realidade alternativa cujas vontades e sentidos são controlados por outros. Talvez o pequeno duende (será verde? só imagino duendes verdes... ou vestidos de verde?) seja maldoso e goste de ver um ser enorme como eu, sofrer, ser humilhado, diminuído a um pedaço de músculos e ossos. Talvez não se aperceba que esta realidade virtual existe por si só (não sei se realmente existo, é possível, mas quem saberá?) e goste de brincar inocentemente (o duende verde sabe, foi ele que me criou).

Milhares, milhões falaram de vontade, livre arbítrio, etc e tal e volta ao mesmo (o duende verde, silêncio), ou talvez só nove ou dez, não sei. Nem sei se vivo, como posso saber se mais alguém existe? Se calhar nunca ninguém falou de liberdade, é tudo imaginação minha (correcção, do duende) e liberdade um desejo secreto minha (não do duende). Provavelmente não existe liberdade: vivemos segundo um complexo processo de sorte, química e física (o sacana do duende, lá em cima, nos comandos).

E todos os outros? Não livres como nós? (será que vários duendes? ou um só, a controlar todos?).
Tantas dúvidas, e tão inúteis. Continuarei, continuaremos sempre a seguir em frente. (e tu aí em cima, estou de olho em ti!!!)
READ MORE » O Sacana do Duende

A ouvir #20

READ MORE » A ouvir #20

Demotivate Dump: Sexist Pig Edition

These have a theme, largely sexist in nature and/or prurient, but dammit, they are funny.

I would totally open it...


 I wonder if she's a hatchback...


This is funny if you know how many clothes I've ruined, and they're never mine....


This is actually true...


Then again, I think this is true too...


Just so, so wrong...


You're totally going to hell for laughing at this...


And this too....

READ MORE » Demotivate Dump: Sexist Pig Edition

Buses & Trains Pt. 2

7.49pm ● Enjoying my McSpicy meal @McD Shaw House.

Damn hungry, man! If u've read my earlier post, u'd knw tt right nw, I should b humping or mayb b done humping Tom, my expat frm LA.

Well, unluckily (or luckily, as I wld rather see it) for me, my 'client' is blur like sotong. We had a miscommunication (its really his fault for not checking his email) and he didnt knw tt I was waiting at the hotel frm 6pm!

At 6.30++, Tom finally called and asked to meet at the lobby. As I made my way to the lobby, I wondered -'Eh, he sounds very Indian ley, no American accent??' As I draged my feet to the lobby, I prayed hard... Pls at least look like Shah Rukh Khan... Pls at least look like Shah Rukh Khan!!!

When I finally met Tom, I wasnt too freaked out (*phew*). Funny thing is, he said he didnt see my email earlier n had planned a dinner appt.

Though I was pretty mad, being me, I said it was ok and smiled gracefully. Tom repeatedly apologised and asked if we can meet tmw instead. He then handed me $50 for my 'cab fare' and apologised again.

And tts why i'm at McD nw, and just as I sat to enjoy my Value Meal, I rcv an email. It was Tom.

---- Original message ----
From: Tom

Hello B,
I'm sorry for the mis communication today.

Hey... you look great and talk nice!

I'll call you by 1.30 pm tomorrow to let you know about the plan

take care


Awww... I look great n talk nice? I actually felt exceptionally 'fat' today. Must b my period coming, tts why i'm feeling bloated n my boobs are all swelled up, making 'em look like melons. Anw, tmw is another day so we'll see what happens then.


{Sent via my Sony Ericsson Jalou}
READ MORE » Buses & Trains Pt. 2

Hush Hush

I never needed you to be strong,
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs,
I never needed pain,
I never needed strain,
My love for you was strong enough you should have known,
I never needed you for judgments,
I never needed you to question what I spend,
I never asked for help,
I take care of myself,
I don't know why you think you've got a hold on me

And it's a little late for conversations,
There isn't anything for you to say,
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver,
So look at me, and listen to me..

I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you to say a single word,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
There is no other way, I get the final say,
I don't want to do this any longer,
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,
Baby, hush, hush.

I never needed your corrections,
On everything, from how I act, to what I say,
I never needed words,
I never needed hurts,
I never needed you to be there every day,
I'm sorry for the way I let go,
Of everything I wanted when you came along
But I am never beaten, broken, not defeated,
I know that next to you is not where I belong,

And it's a little late for explanations,
There isn't anything that you can do,
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver,
So you will listen when I say..

I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you to say a single word,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
There is no other way, I get the final say,
I don't want to do this any longer,
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,
Baby, hush, hush.

No more words, no more lies, no more cryin',
Hmm Hmmmm
No more pain, no more hurt, no more tryin',
Ohh Ohh

I don't want to stay another minute,
I don't want you to say a single word,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
There is no other way, I get the final say,
I don't want to do this any longer,
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,
Baby, hush, hush.

Yeahhhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh
(Hush, hush, hush, hush)
I've already spoken, our love is broken,

[Pussycat Dolls]

READ MORE » Hush Hush

Clever, clever animals...

What happens when mechanical engineers decide to remedy the age-old problem of the dog wanting to fetch at bad times? You get not only a really nifty, if decidedly geeky, dog toy but you also get a very clever dog sliding his way into the pocket protector realm of canines.

Just really clever, all the way around.
h/t Monkey

READ MORE » Clever, clever animals...

Nice lyrics; goofy song...Story of my life.

This song made it to No. 1 in the UK. While I think the music is a bit goofy (and, since Owl City is from Minnesota, would you expect anything less), the lyrics are very interesting.

It's been a long time, a thousand miles, since I've seen this many fireflies.

READ MORE » Nice lyrics; goofy song...Story of my life.

Sex in the City

Not that I'm thinking of quiting my day-job. No!
It just suddenly crossed my mind, and I wondered about the legal or illegal issues with regards to social escorts in Singapore. Being an executive, of course I'm concerned with 'covering' my ass and as a law-abiding citizen, I need to know the rules. Here's an interesting article I found that somehow 'soothed' my worries...

Filth in a Pristine World: Sex Trade in Singapore Goes Unabated
By RestlessRiver, May 28, 2008

There is irony in Singapore’s strait-laced, strictly controlled society. In a striking contrast to its pristine image of an orderly and lawful cosmopolitan life, Singapore accepts prostitution as a legitimate profession “as long as it happens behind closed doors and between adults” as law enforcers would always say.

Government is often quoted as having taken this same pragmatic approach as they reason that law enforcement around the world through the ages have tried to eradicate prostitution and brothels, but without success. And so with that, prostitution is “unashamedly legal” in several red-light districts where Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, Indian and Chinese women ply their trade in brothels, karaoke lounges and massage parlours. Sex workers must carry a health card and submit to medical checks.

If you are a foreign woman working voluntarily in the sex trade, then you cannot be arrested unless caught offering services out in the street or violating immigration and other laws. And since the legal age of sexual consent here is 16 years, any girls in the industry between 16 to 18 years are not classified as child prostitutes in Singapore, as they would be in other countries.
Yet this presents a worsening social ill as prostitution spills out of legal and tightly regulated brothels. By far the biggest source of new sex workers is China, where an industrial boom has triggered rural unemployment and a range of vices -- from prostitution to human trafficking.

Singapore has been described as a multi-tiered sex industry magnet with 800,000 foreign workers and professionals, many of them men living on their own, add to that some seven million visitors per year.

Not only are there high-class Singaporean and foreign escorts, there is also the lower end of the flesh trade. “Sex in the city” does cater to different budgets. Brightly-lit is the Geylang district on the east coast with clearly identifiable brothels with licensed Asian prostitutes catering to local men and foreign workers. Blonde prostitutes from Eastern Europe have also made their appearance in Geylang and other parts of Singapore, as in other major Asian cities. Massage parlors operate from hotels and commercial buildings across Singapore, and it is an open secret that some karaoke bars with private rooms offer a lot more than bad singing.

For the moneyed expatriates and travelers, a building along ritzy Orchard Road popularly known as "Four Floors of Whores" is the place to grab sex for hire at nightclubs, where terms are negotiated over drinks for eventual trysts elsewhere in the city.

Not to be disappointed are those seeking more discreet liaisons, "escorts" are available at hourly rates. More than 100 escort agencies are listed in the Singapore telephone directory, offering male and female companionship. The human trafficking issue goes largely unaddressed despite a groundswell of complaints.
READ MORE » Sex in the City

Pardon, while I get my special towel....

Pretty much the hottest thing I've ever seen...
Bonus points for 1/2 empty Jack Daniels bottle, even if it is from Tennessee (being from alabama, we have a moratorium on all things "Vol" related. I am, of course, willing to rescind that proscription).
Excuse me now; me and Mr. Sock need a little alone time...

READ MORE » Pardon, while I get my special towel....

Tony and Wubya go to Baghdad

So at last we know. Tony Blair has appeared in front of the Chilcott enquiry and has told us all what happened in the lead up to the Gulf War. Or has he?

Much seems to have been said about the legality or otherwise of going to war in Iraq. It transpires that dozens of lawyers in the foreign office advised the then Foreign Secretary that in their opinion taking military action against Saddam Hussein would be illegal without a further UN mandate. It would also seem that the Attorney General agreed with this view, so how did we end up going to war?

Enter Tony Blair. With his usual customary lawyer's skills and much gesticultaion, he told us in considerable detail pretty much nothing at all. It seems that he was quite happily go to war and had assured our good friend Bush that should America decide to invade Iraq, the British Army would be right behind him. This is quite wise as the worst possible place for anyone to stand is in front of the American Army - unless you want to be shot at...

So was the Iraq war illegal? - and in any case does it really matter? Perhaps we should be concentrating not so much upon the presentational skills of a trained lawyer who we all know to be a master of spin, and concentrating more upon whether or not the war was morally justified in the first place. It is true that Saddam Hussein had access to chemical weapons and is quite clear that he was prepared to use these as he had already used them against his own people. Clearly the sexed up dodgy dossier's claim of an imminent delivery method for these weapons was grossly exaggerated, but at the same time it is but a short step to making these weapons available to international terrorists.

This is a compelling argument and yet it is not one that appears to have been put forward. Rather Mr Blair's justification for the debacle that has turned out to be the aftermath of the Iraq war was simply that Saddam Hussein needed to be removed because he was "a bad man".

Whilst it is difficult to argue the case for Saddam being a good man, one wonders why this same argument is not used against other tyrants such as Robert Mugabi. The cynical amongst us would perhaps suggest that the main reason for the initiation of the war in Iraq was not to remove a "bad man" but for Dick Cheney to regain control over the oilfields which Saddam nationalised. This argument certainly explains why we have never invaded Zimbabwe. After all, there is no oil there.

Many questions have been asked about exactly when Blair agreed with Bush that Britain would stand shoulder to shoulder with the United States. I suspect that we will never know the exact timing of this agreement.

But the most worrying thing about this week's events in the Chilcott enquiry, in my view, is Mr Blair's insistence that it was "the right thing to do" and he would have no hesitation whatsoever in doing it again. Such deeply held conviction is seriously unnerving.

So we should be grateful that this dynamic duo is no longer in power. There never was an exit strategy for Iraq and Obama would appear to be coming clean that he has a long-term mess on his hands. Whilst Mr Blair is no longer in situ, we are saddled with a Prime Minister who was happy to go along for the ride and to ensure that he could pick up the reins when the time came.

The change of President in the United States and has been a breath of fresh air, and perhaps the same thing will be said of Great Britain after the forthcoming election. While Obama received an overwhelming mandate from his people, we should remind ourselves that Gordon Brown was never elected by anybody. In a democracy this cannot be healthy. Let's either give Brown a mandate or kick him out. This would, after all, be "the right thing to do"...
READ MORE » Tony and Wubya go to Baghdad

Hurts to breathe...

So much goddamned uncertainty; so much timidity; so much irrascability; so much recalcitrant digging-in; so many times telling myself...telling yourself, that it doesn't hurt. It does. It always has. It always will.

And. It hurts to breathe.

Time does not heal. Time only leaves scars...

What am I on about? A website called "So There", where people seek ultimate closure. It is life in all of its painful, rugged, rawness...and it hurts to even read. It will render you incapable of speech, of logical thought, and -in my case- the ability to breathe.

Excerpt? you say. Indeed:

I saw you last week, and all I can remember is staring into those beautiful brown eyes. I can still see the reason, why I fell in love with you. I fell in love with that wonderful personality of yours. I can tell you that look more beautiful than the last time I saw you.
I hope you learned to be a better person because of me. "The great blessing of mankind are within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and like people in the dark, we fall afoul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it."-Seneca. I still believe, we still love each other. We all journey through life wondering what will become of us. "Life's a voyage that homeward bound"-Herman Melville. 
I continue to wonder if I did anything to push you away from me, and I cannot come up with a reason. "Happiness resides not in posessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul"-Democritus. "Words without thoughts to heaven go"-William Shakespare. 
These are the words, I am putting to paper. All I know is that it feels good to put my thoughts on paper. I continue on life's journey, and wonder what I will discover about life. My hope is I continue to be a better person. I am moving soon to another city to live. I hope that is letter reaches your hands, Yvette. I wish you well, and I hope you are well. 


READ MORE » Hurts to breathe...

Cry Me Out

I got your emails
You just don't get females
Now, do you?
What's in the heart
Is not on your head

Mate, you're too late
And your weren't worth the wait
Now, were you?
It's out of my hands
Since you blew your last chance
When you played me

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

When I found out
How you messed me about
I was broken
Back then I believed you
Now, I don't need you
No more

The pick on your phone
Proves you weren't alone
She was with you, yeah
Now, I couldn't care
That you weren't aware
We're through

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

Gonna have to cry me out
Gonna have to cry me out
Boy, there ain't no doubt
Gonna have to cry me out

Won't hurt a little bit
Boy, better get used to it
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

Listen, I got the emails
I got the text
The answer's still the same
It's the way it is
I got to go

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that I'll fall
Mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

'Cause baby, you ain't all that
Maybe, there's no way back
You can keep talking
But, baby, I'm walking away
[Pixie Lott]

READ MORE » Cry Me Out

Buses & Trains

This morning I 'signed' another deal. I'm supposed to meet Tom an expat frm LA tonight. Tom's in Spore this week for work.

I first rcv his email Monday night. Saw it in my inbox when I was on my way to see Lee. At first I was hesitant but after this 3rd his email, I sensed a non-sleazy vibe.

---- Original message ----

From: Tom
25 Jan 2010

Hi there,I'm 36 ol guy visiting Singapore for a week...looking for some fun time.send me your contact number and picture if you can.

--------------------------- *Queen B replied*

From: Tom
26 Jan 2010

Hi there,I'm visiting Singapore from usa. I'm of North Indian origin settled in Los Angeles for most of my life.You haven't sent me your contact number and your pic yet.I'm free today and would like to meet.lemme know if you can.

--------------------------- *Queen B hesitated... then replied*

From: Tom
27 Jan 2010, early morning.

I'm staying in **** Hotel (near Orchard and Peterson) I'll need you to for an hour to two hours...I'm very simple person, so don't expect any wierd things from me.Let me know your expectations and if you can come here around 6pm. Send me your contact number as wont access my emails from from work.

--------------------------- *Queen B accepted the offer*

Anw, he'd need me for just an hr so it cant b too bad. If it is, you'd b the first to knw the juicy details...



Anw before I left the hse, I heard this song on Power 98 which I hvnt heard in a long while but was quite a hit when I ws in sec sch. Right nw, the lyrics jz makes so much sense...

I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
Which is kind of the same
I've sunk out sea
Crashed my car
Gone insane
And it felt so good
I wanna do it again

{Sent via my Sony Ericsson Jalou}

READ MORE » Buses & Trains

Fun with drunk driving...

So, there's drunk driving, then there's "Holy shit, I should be dead". Out in Rapid City, South Dakota a woman was arrested on the eve of Christmas after her car had gone into the ditch. With the terrible weather in the Northern Plains, that doesn't always mean that you're drunk, but you could very well die if the cops can't get you out of the snow banks.

Now, imagine it's dark, subzero, winds creating a whiteout, you've got crappy cell reception, so you running the heater to stay alive...only problem is, the snow has blocked the exhaust. Killer.

When officers approached the vehicle, they discovered that she was passed out. Drunk. How drunk? So drunk that she set a state record, in a state that is in the top 5 for binge drinking.


A Sturgis woman had a blood-alcohol level of .708 percent, possibly a state record...Her blood-alcohol level was almost nine times South Dakota’s legal limit of .08 percent....a blood-alcohol level of .40 is considered a lethal dose for about 50 percent of the population. “Engle’s was almost double that,” Sondreal said.

Read that again: .708, almost 1% of her both was pure ethanol. That's not just drunk, that's not just a drinking problem, that's suicidal.

Makes a great shooter after your BAC hits, oh, .5 or .6

And now, only slightly tangential, stupid human tricks during the sobriety stop:

Sure it's from Reno 911, but it would still be funny if it happened.

Which, brings me this excuse to post a picture of lovely, awesome Clementine's phenomenal assets.

As if I needed one.

READ MORE » Fun with drunk driving...

Tuesday has had enough of Winter, thank you

Wumpscut's "Die in Winter"; musically, pretty dark (think Project Pitchfork), and electronic -dear god- how electronic. While I normally don't like cold, superprocessed tracks, it works for the theme and lyrics of this one. BTW: If you live in cold, grey places, WARNING: here there be suicide-grey skies....

Lyrics go now:

The time has come to close your eyes
Time has come to realize
Time has come for saddling down
Time has come in sleep to drown
From life from your life from life is this your life
From life this is your life from life this was your life
If you should die die in winter
If you should die die in winter
If you should die if you should die
Die in winter
Die in winter
Die in winter

The time has come to breathe no more
Time has come to see God's shore
Time has come to realize
Time has come to pay the price for life for your life
For life for your life for life this is your life
For life this was your life
If you should die die in winter
If you should die die in winter
If you should die if you should die
Die in winter
Die in winter
Die in winter

Come to me you are the chosen
You will see your eyes stay frozen
Black coffin waits for only a chance
To pick you up oh what a romance
In life in your life in your life once in your life
Once in your life this is your life this was your life this was your life
If you should die die in winter
If you should die die in winter
If you should die if you should die
Die in winter
Die in winter

In winter you will live on in people's mind
Though for a minute of mankind
Nature it dies in winter too
But will be awoken in contrast to you
If you should die die in winter
If you should die die in winter
If you should die if you should die
Die in winter
Die in winter
Die in winter
In winter

READ MORE » Tuesday has had enough of Winter, thank you

Russian Roulette

11.35am ● On the MRT...

"And you can see my heart.. beating
You can see it through my chest
I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving
I know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger....."

I cant believe I almost bailed on this gig. The initial meet up with Lee was on Sunday, 11pm, once again at tt god forbidden plc, Holland V (seriously, wats up with tt plc, man?)... And yeah, I decided to meet up with him afterall.

But I got cold feet at the last minute n txted Lee to cancel, thinking tt he would then pass and look for someone else. Instead he suggested to meet on Monday night instead (last night). So I thought, ok, I'd meet him after supper with my gerlfrens.

I reached HollandV at 11.15pm. I was late but Lee was nowhere to b seen either. So I called him.
He picked up the phone and my heart stopped.

[Score Board] Voice: 8/10

Lee had a soothing voice. Most importantly, he speaks really well and my definition of 'well' is no 'chinese-tongue' accent and no 'ah-beng'-ish singlish. It says a lot about a person cos it means he comes from a cultured background where his family and friends also speak well. It thus reflects the kind of company he keeps which reflects in his mannerism. He doesn't have an American/ Brit accent which saves me from rolling my eyes and he sounds confident, not sleazy.

All this was from his one-liner... "Hi.. ok.. Can you wait for me at Haagen Daz... I'll be there in 10 mins".

Wait. Haagen Daz? Againnnn???? Yes. That's where I first met Lonely Boy. (That place is damn cursed, man)

I just couldnt bring myself to sit at Haagen Daz so I stood by the footpath waiting for him. 10 mins later, my feet grew tired and I sat at the hawker ctr. Many things ran through my head... maybe he's seen me from afar of didnt like what he saw and decided to flee the scene? Pls let it be true... Pls let it be true... So that I can go home :(

Suddenly Pixie Lott's 'Here We Go Again' screamed (heh.. my ringtone) and it was Lee looking for me. I told him where I was sitting and few seconds later I saw a man walking up to me. Hey, he doesnt look too bad!

We walked over to Coffee Bean and he offered to get me a drink while I grab a sit outside the cafe. So far so good. Pretty decent. Quite a gentlemen. My fears quickly melted away.

He came back shortly with the drinks and sat really close beside me. We talked a little about ourselves before he finally said.

"So let's get to the point and let me be truthful with you. I'm looking for a sugarbabe."

Blank. Sugarbabe? I could only visualize the UK girlband 'SugarBabes in my head.

Apparently, Lee was looking for an FB. No, not Facebook (thats what I thought at first heheh).

Fuck Buddy. FB.

Immediate reaction in my head - Cheated. There goes my $150 for tonight.

He says he likes me and would like to offer me exclusivity. For those of you who are alien to this term or the fuckbuddy system, it is when a guy and a girl (usually friends) promise to fuck each other exclusively. No feelings or emotions attached, usually refered to as 'No Strings Attached', just to fulfill each other's sexual needs and desires. To some people, this is actually a rather 'brilliant' system cos it is supposedly better than sleeping around with different partners.

I am quite familiar with this buddy system and I've had an FB once, many years ago.

To cut the story short, half an hour later and many flirty kisses and hands brushing here and there, I decided there and then to give him a shot. In the first place, its not as if I'm doing this for money, its just the cheap thrill that happened to offer monetary gains. But I guess the real deal breaker was when he mentioned the magic password - RX8.

Lee drives an RX8. Mazda RX8. And I would do anything to ride in or ON one... both car and driver.

"I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be
A little gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it)
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun..."

Till next... xoxo.

{Sent via my Sony Ericsson Jalou}

What happened previously...? Read it here >>
READ MORE » Russian Roulette

take just a miserable second #16

"Until they become conscious they will never rebel,
and until after they
have rebelled they cannot become conscious."

George Orwell "1984"
READ MORE » take just a miserable second #16

Life is ugly: Enjoy some beauty

Very ugly last week or so for me...Depressing news all the way around, and other assorted crap. So, no snark, or pith, just beauty on display for the next few images. God knows, with the ugliness of the world, a ray of light -in any form- is welcome.

 I love this. It reminds me of the 20s flapper girls, who were so elegant, and feminine and beautiful.


No explanation, the juxtaposition of the pale skin with the dark eyes, lips and nails makes this not just erotic, but pleasing to the eye.


There is nothing in nature that can rival the female form for pure beauty and subtlety and visual grace.

READ MORE » Life is ugly: Enjoy some beauty